One-week retrospective
 I've been slow (again) to post new pictures. These are from the last week or so. We're having a nice, quiet Sunday afternoon. Alex and Piper are watching golf, and I think I'm going to finish watching "Junebug" in a bit. I've watched the first 44 minutes, and I haven't decided yet whether I like it. Piper had her first bowl of oatmeal today. She liked it (even though it wasn't made Grandpa-style). She tried peaches yesterday and, from what I understand, wasn't a fan. So far she prefers peas and carrots to apples and peaches. Who is this kid?
Oatmeal, Grandpa-style Bowl of oatmeal 1 pint half and half 1 cup Splenda 3 cups raisins Stir half pint of half and half into oatmeal with raisins and Splenda. Eat slowly. Add additional half and half with each bite. 

a quickr pickr post posted by Nichole @ 4:24 PM
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