Monday, October 30, 2006 |
Fuzzy red addiction
 How did this happen? My sweet little girl hardly paid attention to the characters on "Sesame Street" as recently as Friday. Today, she's an addict. At dinner she rubbed her tiny little fingers together and chanted, "Em-o, Em-o, Em-o." Alex is giving her a bath right now, and I can hear her up there: "Em-o, Em-o, Em-o." Which is cute, but I fear for our future. Please, friends and family, if you love me, don't give her one of these.Labels: reading, watching posted by Nichole @ 6:57 PM
. . . . . comments . . . . .
Amy says, "Tia loves saying Elmo, too. Like the new plaid look!" (10:49 PM, October 30, 2006)
Alex says, "Not only was she saying "E-mo" in the bath last night, she was launching herself into the bubbles and laughing the whole time!" (8:22 AM, October 31, 2006)
says, "What is it w/Elmo, seriously? And baby einstein for that matter? It baffles me, but whatever! :) I'm still stuck on the fact that Piper is TALKING! We miss you guys!" (1:26 PM, October 31, 2006)
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