Tuesday, December 19, 2006 |
Narrowly skirting disaster
As Trash Gordon brought "Sesame Street" to a close, I headed upstairs to fetch an outfit for Piper and a pair of socks for myself. I pulled on my cute and fuzzy new socks, grabbed pants, a top and socks for Pi, and started back downstairs.
Did I mention the fuzzy socks?
Did I mention the hardwood floors?
My fuzzy-sock-clad foot hit the top step, and WHOOSH, I was airborne. I came down hard on my heiny and my outstretched hand and bounced down the next two steps.
I'm probably going to have some colorful bruising on my backside, and I'm afraid I might have sprained my wrist. But I'm so grateful that I wasn't carrying Piper when I fell.
Piper is getting an extra dose of TV while I ice my wrist and try to figure out how to dress a toddler with one hand. Oh gosh, and diapers. How the heck is that going to work?
In summary:
+ = 
. . . . . the end . . . . .Labels: flotsam/jetsam posted by Nichole @ 11:14 AM
. . . . . comments . . . . .
Amy says, "Ouch!!! I'm glad you weren't hurt any more seriously or holding Piper...those are really cute socks." (12:10 PM, December 19, 2006)
Crutcher Fam says, "those are cute socks. I've missed reading everyone's blog the last couple weeks. . . i feel so out of the loop. . . glad you are ok. give piper a kiss for me! :)" (8:17 PM, December 19, 2006)
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