365 days


m ?
t Black bean tostadas
w Asian shrimp noodles
t breakfast
f ?
s Mexican chicken pizza

Nichole's WW journal




the books of 2007
  • "The Children of Men"
  • "A Spot of Bother"
  • "At First Sight"
  • "The Night Gardener"
    the books of 2006
    books to read


    The Best Ribs
    Dad's Ever Had
  • Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville
  • The Alton Brown recipe Nichole made
  • The ribs at that place in Branson
  • Carolina Barbecue
  • FireBonz
  • ...

    Tuesday, January 30, 2007


    Awhile back I said I was trying to lose some weight. Since then I've lost a grand total of half a pound. Not stellar work on my part.

    I've been doing Weight Watchers via their online program. I should say I've been paying for the WW online program, because I certainly haven't been following it. So I've decided I'm going to start going to their meetings again, and I'm going to make more of an effort to post on here about the whole weight-loss scene. Because I know it's just a terrifically interesting subject.


    Amy and I talked this weekend about emailing each other our food journals everyday. I'm going to take it a step further. I'm posting them here.

    I was traveling yesterday, so I'm cutting myself a little slack for it being such a wretched day, Points-wise.

    Monday, Jan. 29, 2006
    Slim Fast chocolate-chip granola bar ... 4

    Chicken Philly from Charley's steakery ... 14

    Crab wonton ... 13 (d'oh!)
    Cantonese scallops ... 9.5
    brown rice ... 7.5

    +24 (ouch.)

    . . . . . the end . . . . .

    Labels: , ,

    posted by Nichole @ 4:08 PM  

    . . . . . comments . . . . .

  • Amy says, "Nichole, I was so bad yesterday that I felt sick at the end of the day. Two meals out plus junk at the movies! Yikes." (4:52 PM, January 30, 2007)  

    post a comment

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    ...A wonderful weekend
    ...Love Thursday: Mostly Piper and food.
    ...Hot dog! It's Oscar time!
    ...Magic 8 iPod
    ...Look out, Andy Roddick.
    ...Stink. Stank. Stunk.
    ...Spicy Sunday
    ...I think I need a makeover.
    ...Australian fun & games



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