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m ?
t Black bean tostadas
w Asian shrimp noodles
t breakfast
f ?
s Mexican chicken pizza

Nichole's WW journal




the books of 2007
  • "The Children of Men"
  • "A Spot of Bother"
  • "At First Sight"
  • "The Night Gardener"
    the books of 2006
    books to read


    The Best Ribs
    Dad's Ever Had
  • Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville
  • The Alton Brown recipe Nichole made
  • The ribs at that place in Branson
  • Carolina Barbecue
  • FireBonz
  • ...

    Friday, February 02, 2007

    Friday Feast No. 129

    What was one of the fashion fads when you were a teenager?
      Oh, there were so many! The French-rolled jeans and the giant, cockatoo bangs; the flannel shirts and the Docs ...

    Name one thing you think people assume about you when they first meet you.
      I have no clue.

    On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how hard do you work?
      I think I could do a much better job. No, I know I could do a much better job. The part of my job that I enjoy -- caring for and playing with Piper -- I don't really count as "work." The parts that I don't care for so much -- the cleaning of the house -- I would probably get a 2 in.

    Main Course
    If you were given a free 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl to sell anything you currently own, what would you advertise?
      It would be great if we could get someone to take over the lease on our apartment. I'd like to move closer to town.

    Fill in the blank:
      I love to stay inside when it is cold out.

    The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to "feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions."

    . . . . . the end . . . . .

    Labels: ,

    posted by Nichole @ 7:50 AM  

    . . . . . comments . . . . .

  • Write From Karen says, "Cockatoo bangs ... that brought a laugh.

    I remember spending HOURS on my big hair back in the 80's. Thank goodness flat is in! lol" (9:06 AM, February 02, 2007)  

  • amy says, "Great feast and blog! I didnt do so much the big hair but I remember everyone else.that was a lot of hairspray" (9:42 AM, February 02, 2007)  

  • suki says, "If you could advertise your apartment on Superbowl Sunday, I don't doubt that there will be people out ther elined up at the door. :P" (12:53 PM, February 02, 2007)  

  • Raggedy says, "Great Friday Feast!
    My feast is up.
    Have a wonderful day!
    (")_ (")Š
    Raggedy" (1:15 PM, February 02, 2007)  

  • Heart of Rachel says, "I still remember the big hairstyle of the 80s. I laugh whenever I see my photos back then. It's so funny how you termed it Cuckatoo bangs. Nice one.

    Thankf for sharing. Mine is up too." (11:34 AM, February 03, 2007)  

    post a comment

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    ...Almost out of Flex Points
    ...Love Thursday: Mommy time
    ...Da Bears and Da Don
    ...I ate a banana. Ugh.
    ...My little gymnast
    ...On the right track
    ...A wonderful weekend
    ...Love Thursday: Mostly Piper and food.
    ...Hot dog! It's Oscar time!



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