365 days


m ?
t Black bean tostadas
w Asian shrimp noodles
t breakfast
f ?
s Mexican chicken pizza

Nichole's WW journal




the books of 2007
  • "The Children of Men"
  • "A Spot of Bother"
  • "At First Sight"
  • "The Night Gardener"
    the books of 2006
    books to read


    The Best Ribs
    Dad's Ever Had
  • Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville
  • The Alton Brown recipe Nichole made
  • The ribs at that place in Branson
  • Carolina Barbecue
  • FireBonz
  • ...

    Monday, February 05, 2007

    Happy anniversary

    Alex and I took the weekend off. Piper had a big sleepover with "Bompa" (her collective name for Alex's parents), and we slept in, had breakfast in bed, read the newspaper, window-shopped, bought fancy chocolate truffles and watched three movies in one day. It was a wonderful start to Year Seven.

    It's so easy to lose sight of each other in the day-to-day. This weekend helped me remember that Alex isn't just Piper's Daddy or my partner in housekeeping or the guy who pays the bills. He's my best friend.

    . . . . . the end . . . . .

    Please click here to join Nichole's Oscar pool. If that doesn't work, go to http://defectiveyeti.com/oscars/ and enter poll ID 24724. You could win an as-yet-to-be-determined something!

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    posted by Nichole @ 8:39 AM  

    . . . . . comments . . . . .

  • Crutcher Fam says, "Thanks for the comment on my blog!!! I appreciate the encouragement. Happy Anniversary!!!!! That sounds like a wonderful start to year seven!!!!" (1:30 PM, February 05, 2007)  

  • ccap says, "Frick! You're impressive with the Oscar poll. I'm SERIOUSLY signing up. I just have to think about it a bit first." (5:04 PM, February 06, 2007)  

    post a comment

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    previous posts
    ...Now with prizes!
    ...Friday Feast No. 129
    ...Almost out of Flex Points
    ...Love Thursday: Mommy time
    ...Da Bears and Da Don
    ...I ate a banana. Ugh.
    ...My little gymnast
    ...On the right track
    ...A wonderful weekend



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